
Game Picker

Find it here. Background I made this dockerised next.js app to improve upon a backlog tracking spreadsheet I had, and I am self-hosting it in unraid. This is my first experience with next.js and typescript, and first use of sqlite outside of CS50. It includes typical CRUD operations into the sqlite database, as well as a randomiser to suggest a next game to play that pulls from a subset of games in the list, based on the retro/modern and handheld/desktop tags.

Sit Stand Timer with NFC

Find it here. Outline This is a timer to be used for your work day, which will send a pushy reminder in an interval you set to tell you to alternate between standing and sitting. For every few timers (defaults to two), it will require you to get up from your desk and scan a remote NFC tag to stop the alarm and start a break timer. On completion of the break timer you will need to scan your desk NFC tag to return to the sit/stand intervals.